Walking in the high woods.

South Downs Way between Ditchling and Lewes.
South Downs Way between Ditchling and Lewes. May 2014

The great hills of the South Country

They stand along the sea;

And it’s there walking in the high woods

 That I could wish to be,

 And the men that were boys when I was a boy

Walking along with me.


I never get between the pines

But I smell the Sussex air;

Nor I never come on a belt of sand

But my home is there.

And along the sky the line of the Downs

So noble and so bare.

Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)



Windows and doors

Brighton window
Brighton window
Brighton door one
Brighton door one
Brighton door two
Brighton door two

The streets of Brighton are dotted with curiosities and lovingly clipped entrances.